月別アーカイブ: 2015年12月

Planet Brobdingnag, chapter 3

Planet Brobdingnag, chapter 3
Badi magazine, 2015 February issue (December 21, 2015, on sale)

Uncensored image is here.

And also there is my awarded interview about My Brother’s Husband.

On next year, Badi magazine will be renewed, and the serialization of Planet Brobdingnag will be changed from monthly to bimonthly based. I am sorry for this change but it’s their decision. So, the next chapter will be published on April isuue that will be released on February.

Massive’s new ‘Collared’ T-shirt now available online

Brand new T-shirt with my drawing ‘Collared’ from MASSIVE is now available on their online store!

Massive’s latest T-shirt design featuring art by gay bondage master Gengoroh Tagame showcases work from his latest English-language opus: The Contracts of the Fall (available December 1 from Gmunder Books).

The contract in question ties a once-great pro wrestler–the collared brute featured on this all-cotton T-shirt–to a dangerous loan agreement with a sadistic gangster.

The color variations are two, gray and pink. You can purchase each on the links below.

Gray: http://massive-goods.com/shop/collared-grey/
Pink: http://massive-goods.com/shop/collared-pink/

*Me in Collared Tee (grey) on the opening reception of my exhibition in Paris on last November.

*The staff of Bruno Gmünder in Collared Tee with my new english comic book from them, The Contracts Of The Fall.

Please get your own Tee and Book now! 😉